According to reports, Indian cricket captain Rohit Sharma is preparing to play in the Ranji Trophy for the first time in almost ten years. The Indian Express said on Tuesday that Rohit Sharma, who last played domestic cricket for Mumbai in 2014, will be back at Wankhede Stadium for a practice session with the Mumbai Ranji team.
As he prepares to participate in the Champions Trophy, Rohit Sharma’s return to Mumbai’s Ranji practice sessions portends wonderful things for India. He will be able to hone his skills at his practice session on January 16 in order to concentrate on his international obligations.
In order to improve his form and restore match fitness before important international matches, Sharma will start exercising again at the MCA-BKC pitch. The Mumbai squad has planned a center-wicket practice session for their upcoming Ranji Trophy league encounter against Jammu & Kashmir at home.
Doubt Regarding Rohit’s Involvement
Sharma’s return to action has been announced, although it is unclear if he will play in the Ranji Trophy match against Jammu and Kashmir. Sources claim that Rohit has not yet confirmed his participation in the match and has informed the Mumbai Cricket Association that he would notify them closer to the game date if he plans to play.
The Indian Express stated that it is still unclear if he would participate in the Ranji Trophy match versus Jammu and Kashmir. Sharma’s preparedness and the needs of the squad will determine whether or not he plays.
The last time Rohit Sharma appeared in Ranji was ten years ago.
Ten years have passed since Rohit’s last appearance in the Ranji Trophy, when he represented Maharashtra against Uttar Pradesh. Sharma had directed his ship toward international cricket that long ago. On the other hand, supporters eagerly anticipated the Indian captain’s return to grassroots cricket.
Sharma’s presence for the Mumbai side in domestic cricket would be very helpful, despite the fact that he was unable to contribute during India’s 2020–2021 tour of Australia due to his terrible performance in the Test series. His commitment was demonstrated when he gave up his captaincy for the last Test match against Australia to focus on his form and health.
Domestic Red-Ball Cricket’s Future
Gautam Gambhir, the head coach of India, has been outspoken in his support of local red-ball cricket. “If somebody is available, I would always prefer to see them play domestic cricket. “Play domestic cricket if you’re committed to playing red-ball cricket,” Gambhir stated following India’s defeat in the Border-Gavaskar Trophy.