The Gujarat CID is set to question Indian cricket player Shubman Gill, who led the Gujarat Titans in the 2024 Indian Premier League (IPL), in relation to an alleged ₹450 crore ponzi scam. Mohit Sharma, Rahul Tewatia, and Sai Sudharsan are among the other Gujarat Titans players who may be questioned as part of the probe.
Cricket Players Associated with a Fraudulent Plan
Following the CID’s interrogation of Bhupendrasinh Zala, the purported scam mastermind, the probe gathered momentum. Zala allegedly admitted to mismanaging money, including investments made by many cricket players, when being questioned.
Zala is charged with managing a vast chit-fund scheme, accumulating around ₹6,000 crore in transactions, and having ₹175 crore in outstanding debts. According to reports, his network collected money from gullible investors by using several offices around Gujarat.
Investments Made by Participants in the Scheme
According to reports, Mohit Sharma, Rahul Tewatia, and Sai Sudharsan contributed less to the plan than Shubman Gill, who reportedly contributed over ₹1.95 crore. Gill will be called in for interrogation by the CID following the end of the Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2024–25. Beginning on January 3, the season finale will be held in Sydney.
High-profile cricket players’ involvement has given the case a fresh angle and raised awareness of the financial risks that athletes may encounter. Determining the players’ level of engagement and their awareness of the scheme’s fraudulent character is the goal of the CID.